Urban Bandits

be Strong, You'll Make It, be Never Naked™

As you know, beautiful women come not only in every age, shape and size, but also every culture, city and personality. “Street Style” makes up a great percentage of the fashion community. Celebrity brands such as Baby Phat and Roca Wear can be found in major department stores and are geared toward young, urban ladies. Women who enjoy this style will most often be found in a larger, urban city. They enjoy hip-hop and art, and like to express their personalities through sexy and edgy fashion.  

Typically, we think of “professional” meaning someone who works for a traditional business, perhaps in the financial realm and goes to work in black trousers paired with a white button-front blouse and gray cardigan. There is, however an entire world of artistic based business, mainly music and fashion where style is not so buttoned up. It is these edgy, artistic women who will favor “Urban Bandits” lingerie. No woman wants to be bland underneath her embellished skinny jeans and bright, graphic tee. On the other hand, some women may have urban taste, but still work in a job which demands that she dress more corporate. In this case, she can still express her style in the bedroom, through sexy, urban inspired pieces.

To accommodate the vivacious fashion taste of the “Urban Bandit”, this line will feature bold geometric and animal prints, flashy designs with vivid colors, and sparkling screens and trims to satisfy the desire to shine. A braset will illuminate the bronze skin of a beautiful young artist when infused with a bright pink leopard print embellished with delicate rhinestones. Boyshorts of a vivid purple may feature a sparkling screen print, which will entice the “Urban Bandit”. Even the coziest pajamas will scream with flashy designs and sparkling trim. This line will make your consumer feel fresh, edgy and sexy, no matter what she may be wearing over her pink leopard lingerie.

For a consumer to become a loyal customer, it is vital that she feels a personal connection. She needs to walk in and see pieces targeted toward her own individual style. Show her that you understand style beyond what a stuffy, European socialite may like. Say to her, “ Be Strong, You’ll Make It, Be Never Naked” She will appreciate the fact that you have seen her toughness, her beauty and her art. She will from here on, “Be Never Naked”.